Thursday 5 January 2012

Never give up on your dreams ツ !

1. Dream Big.

If you truly believe that you are the creator of your world and that your thoughts create your reality, don't hold back. Make your life the masterpiece it is meant to be. It's only you who sets the limit of your success. 

...and if you do have big dreams, don't think it is greedy to want more wealth, health and happiness - it is your birthright. Of course if you decide to take this journey, you may find money doesn't buy happiness on its own, but it can definitely help take away the stress and worry of not having enough... and it can also give you the freedom to pursue your real dreams. Write down your dreams, make them real. Add some timescales and turn them into goals. If the goals seem too big, break them down into smaller and easier goals. Just the very fact of doing this will give you much more chance of success. 

2. You must KNOW that you will achieve the dreams you desire. 

If you have doubts, you will sabotage your efforts. You will unconsciously stop yourself from doing the things that are needed to succeed. You'll start to make excuses. So you need faith. Faith in yourself and faith that these universal laws exist.

But don't just sit at home doing nothing and expecting something. I believe that if you work with the universal laws, for every step you take towards your goals, they take two towards you. In other words, working with the universal laws makes it easier for success, but you still need to take action. And this isn't always easy. It can sometimes take a long time before you start to see any success. Now constantly trying to be positive and stay motivated all the time is next to impossible. Your biorhythms are natural cycles and your moods will swing from time to time.  

3. Be aware of your natural cycles.

And be aware that during low times you may have low energy, and low belief in yourself. This is where you must be aware of your thoughts.

When you are feeling a little low try reading some motivational or inspirational books. If they don't work then press 'pause' on the dream in your mind. Avoid the doubts and worries that will push away your chances of success. Take some time out and do other stuff. And when you're feeling good again press 'play' again and go for it big time. I think this is a major problem that really holds people back. They feel good and work hard towards their dreams half the month. The rest of the month they feel stressed and down, repel their dreams and all their hard work is undone. So dream big, know it will happen... and be conscious of your thoughts and  emotions. Make progress in the good times and chill out during the bad times. Work with the flow, instead of fighting it...and fighting with yourself. 

4. On your journey you will make lots of mistakes, but don't see them as mistakes, see them as lessons. 

Take an objective view at what has gone wrong and learn from it... and make sure you don't do it again.

Every successful person I see gets my total respect. I understand that they must have battled through many disappointments to get to where they are today. But it's all part of the process and the lessons you learn will make you a much stronger person. Understand that your journey to success is not a straight line. Think of yourself as a heat seeking missile pursuing a moving target. As you head towards it you will be making constant adjustments. These are like your mistakes, but as long as you learn, and readjust, and keep moving forwards, you will eventually reach your target. 

5. Don't follow the beaten path, make your own path.  

By following the masses, you're competing against everyone else. Be an innovator, a creator, rather than just blindly following the rest. A sad but true fact, 90% of people and businesses don’t achieve the success they
desire - so why follow them?  

6. You must first become the successful person inside.

And you need to feel it with your heart and soul. This will give you the right thoughts that lead you to take the right actions... to get the right results.

To achieve the success you want in the outer world, you must feel, think different different. Because if you don't change, then neither will your actions, or results - regardless of how many books you read or how hard you work. 

7. Invest heavily in your education.

Learn success secrets from personal development experts and experts in your chosen dream. Study both what they say and what they do.  

8. Sometimes opportunities are staring you in the face. Make sure you are aware of them. 

9. Before you can create anything, you must be able to see it clearly in your head.

10. Don’t let the dream stealers steal your dream.

Don’t listen to friends and family who say you can’t achieve the success you desire.

Believe that you can be more, do more and have more and you have a chance. Use your natural talents, learn what is necessary to succeed and don't give up. Keep improving, keep moving forward... and success will be inevitable. don't let loved ones stop you from fulfilling your dreams.  

11. Take advantage of all the mind power tools that are now available. 

They work...  

Since man inhabited our beautiful planet there have always been people with dreams. Unfortunately most people stopped believing in their dreams, and even fewer took the action necessary to make their dreams a reality. 
Common enemies like doubt, fear, stress, worry and pride have often been the victors and stopped dreamers in their tracks. But now in the 21st century you have tools that help program your mind for success. So take the easy option...

So don't settle for an average life. Your destiny really is within your hands. So aim big... your dream future.

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