Sunday 10 July 2011

82 things to do this summer ♥.

As much as your kids will tell you they can't wait for summer, the words "I'm bored", inevitably cross their lips – sometimes sooner than you think! While children do enjoy the freedom that comes with the summer months, they still like to have a little structure to their fun.
The following list of activities will help your family take full advantage of summer and help spark your creativity to make the summer all that it should be!  Kids can choose any activity they are interested in and complete them in any order they like (your children will probably enjoy checking them off as they complete them). Some items require parental permission (such as adopting a pet) but others are suitable for kids to complete on their own. Some can even be done with the entire family!
Take a moment to review the list, visit the websites, and see which activities best suit your family. With these 101 things to do, you may just escape the "I'm bored" doldrums this summer!

1. Make a scrapbook of everything you do this summer.

2. Have a picnic.
3. Write a letter to your best friend.
4. Visit another country.
5. Go to a ballgame.
6. Get a job (parent permission).
7. Become a photographer.
8. Make dinner for your family.
9. Compare a book to a movie.
10. Write a poem.
11. Learn about fireworks.
12. Bake some cookies.
13. Take a boat ride.
14. Sketch a picture of your house from the outside.
15. Go camping.
16. Visit a farm.
17. Take a walk and record the sounds.
18. Make your own soccer camp.
19. Keep a journal of what you do during the summer.
20. Cut up an old greeting card picture and make a puzzle.
21. Start a band.
22. Make a new kind of sandwich.
23. Blow up balloons, put notes inside and hand them out to friends.
24. Go backpacking.
25. Go outside and find 10 different kinds of flowers.
26. Create a web site.
27. Invent a new dance.
28. Help an elderly person with house or yard work.
29. Visit the zoo.
30. Learn a foreign language.
31. Make an obstacle course in your back yard.
32. Make a treasure hunt.
33. Read a story to someone.
34. Have a winter theme party.
35. Recycle bottles and donate the money to a local charity.
36. Clean up a nature trail.
37. Build a tree house.
38. Set up a lemonade stand.
39. Learn or teach a new sport with someone.
40. Attend a concert.
41. Have a family game night.
42. Make a movie.
43. Make a collage from magazine words and pictures.
44. Create a terrarium.
45. Go canoeing.
46. Discover a new favorite author or book series.
47. Go to a museum.
48. Make up bubble solution and have a contest.
49. Plant something.
50. Visit a tourist spot near your home.
51. Build a sandcastle.
52. Donate some of the toys and clothes you no longer use.
53. Research your family tree.
54. Fly a kite.
55. Invent your own board game.
56. Throw a cultural heritage block party.
57. Make a bird feeder.
58. Spend time with your grandparents.
59. Attend a first aid class.
60. Write a song.
61. Take a dog for a walk.
62. Have a paper airplane contest.
63. Go without TV for a day.
64. Sign up at your local library for their Summer Reading Program.
65. Learn some new outdoor games.
66. Make something from recyclables.
67. Share your favorite movie with a friend.
68. Make home made ice cream.
69. Jump on a trampoline.
70. Organize a scavenger hunt.
71. Go swimming.
72. Paint a portrait of your best friend.
73. Start a collection.
74. Write a fairy tale.
75. Visit a National Park.
76. Arrange a bouquet of flowers.
77. Learn to blog .
78. Re-decorate your room.
79. Learn to play chess.
80. Adopt a pet (parent permission).
81. Keep your brain going.
82. Teach someone to use email.

Create your own holiday ♥.

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